Excessive stormwater runoff is one of the most detrimental effects that urban development can have on the natural environment. The journey rainfalls take to get to the ocean from the concrete city surfaces are quite extensive; from the driveways to the gutters to the main line to the oceans. And all along the way, picking up hazardous chemicals such as tar, oil, gasoline, etc. Moreover, little of this runoff is left to replenish the groundwater supply.
Solution? Porous concrete surfaces, also known as pervious or permeable concrete surfaces, address these issues by allowing rainwater to flow underneath the surface to ensure a healthier groundwater supply. These surfaces also create a lesser demand for retention ponds and other stormwater management devices. Flow rates through pervious concrete surfaces can be as much as 5 gal/sq. ft. within a 1 minute time period! Porous concrete surfaces are almost identical to conventional concrete surfaces despite the fact that the fine aggregate is eliminated entirely and the size distribution of the coarse aggregate is kept narrow, allowing and maintaining the hardened properties in concrete that we need to support our massive structures, homes, and automobiles. For more information about this amazing concrete alternative, please visit Pervious Concrete Inc., one of America's largest installers of pervious concrete surfaces.
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