Shoes transfer large amounts of bacteria, toxins, pollutants onto the interior floors which gets circulated throughout the home. Walking barefoot also benefits the health of your feet tremendously. It is much healthier for the skin of the feet because rubbing points on shoes and sandals can leave callouses, bruises, and chafing, as the feet are naturally aired and circulated, the risk of fungal or bacterial growth (athlete's foot) is much lower. In addition, the overall structure and strength and agility of your feet will be improved by barefoot walking. Footwear hinders the full capacity of your feet's movement, bounce and flex, creating weak muscles, bones and ligaments.
The act of simply taking off your shoes can have tremendous outcomes, not only for the health of your feet but as well as the air circulation and quality within your home. So kick off those shoes and let your feet and family reap the benefits of going barefoot!