Once the exposed wood elements of the building were all protected with
Bora-Care, the non-toxic termite insecticide, a layer of protective housewrap has been firmly secured around the building [see diagram above]. This additional step is a preventive measure that is essential to protecting the exposed wood frame from water and ultra-violet rays during the construction stage. A good housewrap not only keeps water out but also is “breathable”, allowing damageable moisture to escape while limiting inward movement of moisture.

We have partnered with
Typar on this project. Unsurpassed in water holdout capacity and superior tear strength, Typar has the perfect balance of strength and breathability. The Typar Weather Protection System is made with recycled content and complements indoor air quality with its low-VOC composition and reduces the risk of water intrusion which can lead to mold growth.
This is another product that would be very useful in Florida. "allowing damageable moisture to escape while limiting inward movement of moisture" is a wonderful thing in a humid environment.